45. Tor is owned by the government:
Despite its radical anti-government cred, Tor was almost 100% funded by three U.S. national security agencies: the Navy, the State Department, and the BBG. The FOIA documents have shown collaboration between the federal government, the Tor Project, and key members of the privacy and Internet Freedom movement. Tor employees were taking orders from their handlers in the federal government, including hatching plans to deploy their anonymity tool in countries that the U.S. was working to destabilize: China, Iran, Vietnam, Russia. It puts under question Tor's pledge that it would never put any backdoors into their software.
Despite its radical anti-government cred, Tor was almost 100% funded by three U.S. national security agencies: the Navy, the State Department, and the BBG. The FOIA documents have shown collaboration between the federal government, the Tor Project, and key members of the privacy and Internet Freedom movement. Tor employees were taking orders from their handlers in the federal government, including hatching plans to deploy their anonymity tool in countries that the U.S. was working to destabilize: China, Iran, Vietnam, Russia. It puts under question Tor's pledge that it would never put any backdoors into their software.